by  Patrick James
I hear a lot about antioxidants, but what exactly are they and why do I need them?
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by  Ida Bodin
Antioxidants are substances that prevent DNA, protein and lipid damage in the body. They stop unstable free radicals from doing this damage. This kind of free radical damage can promote diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Antioxidants can help to prevent that cellular damage and help to detoxify the body. The body can produce some antioxidants in response to eating plant food, and some come directly from the food itself. Common antioxidants are Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Beta-Carotene and flavonoids. Antioxidants are responsible for the colors in fruits and vegetables and beans, giving berries, carrots, tomatoes and the like their vibrant colors. You can activate the body’s detoxification system by eating lots of colorful, high nutrient foods. Try adding some berries, dark green leafy vegetables, carrots, oranges, red beans, or apples for a delicious antioxidant boost. Thanks for the great question!
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by  Caroline Israel
Hi Patrick. Ida posted a great reply, but I just wanted to add a tiny bit more. When your cells metabolize the food you eat, free radicals (and other potentially detrimental compounds) are formed as waste products. These metabolites are produced whether you just ate a huge mega salad with beans and avocado or a cheeseburger with fries. But the difference is this: the salad comes prepackaged with thousands of phytochemicals, many of which clean up and neutralize free radicals, while the burger doesn't. The burger and fries just cause a lot of cellular damage--there's no clean-up crew to pick up the mess. Happy eating!
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by  Eugene Nutritarian
This is great info, I didn't know about the salad example.
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