Hi Kate. Man, I wish I could hire the Meat & Dairy industry to market my website--I'd be rich! Over the years, they have managed to convince most of us that eating animal foods is essential to good health, that you can't possible thrive without it. Arrgghh! Of course, all you have to do is look at the majority of earth's human inhabitants--they eat little to no animal foods because they can't afford it, and except in the case of starvation, the science shows that they are clearly better off for it. Athletes in training do need more protein--but they also need more fat and carbohydrate. By increasing the amount of fruits, veggies, beans, nuts, and seeds you eat to match your increased caloric needs, you'll get plenty of protein. Incidentally, where do the larges land mammals get their protein (think elephants, rhinos, gorillas)? Mostly green vegetation.