Food For Thought

The Official Healthy Food Now Blog

hands holding an apple between them

You Need Help to Change Your Diet

Coach Caroline, 10/26/2015

Many of us buy into the belief that we have to live around highly stimulating and addictive foods and somehow learn to NOT eat them. But it's extremely difficult to consistently resist bad food sitting in plain sight. What to do?

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Recipeasy: Best Brownies Ever with Cashew Cream Icing

Recipeasy: Best Brownies Ever with Cashew Cream Icing

Kayla Sheely , 10/23/2015

To help those of you who are new to plant-based diets or are just starting out, we have a weekly segment called RecipEASY where we'll give you modifications and tips for our recipes. This week we made Best Brownies Ever with Cashew Cream Icing!

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Nuts for Nuts!

Nuts for Nuts!

Kate Glover, 10/22/2015

Nuts are packed with nutrients like protein, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, vitamins, minerals, unsaturated fats, and antioxidants! Here's why these little heart-healthy, nutritional powerhouses are a wonderful addition to your diet.

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tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, and garlic on a cutting board outside

8 Ways to Help Prevent Cancer Through a Healthy Diet

Coach Melanie, 10/20/2015

Many people have lost a family member, loved one, or friend to cancer. It is devastating, to say the least, and leaves you feeling helpless -- but are we really? No. Nutrient-dense plant foods provide anti-cancer benefits.

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hands holding forks at a healthy buffet table

Plan, Plan, Plan

Coach Caroline, 10/19/2015

Formulating a food plan is important, but preparing for various and numerous roadblocks (like free samples!) is a crucial element of a lasting healthy diet. Here are some tools that will gradually make healthy eating much easier.

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Recipeasy: Italian White Bean and Vegetable Saute

Recipeasy: Italian White Bean and Vegetable Saute

Kayla Sheely , 10/16/2015

To help those of you who are new to plant-based diets or are just starting out, we have a weekly segment called RecipEASY where we'll give you modifications and tips for our recipes. This week we made Italian White Bean and Vegetable Saute!

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Squeeze More Vitamin D Into Your Diet Plan and Keep Depression at Bay

Squeeze More Vitamin D Into Your Diet Plan and Keep Depression at Bay

Eric Baron, 10/14/2015

Creating a diet plan that supplements Vitamin D is crucial to your overall health. Not only can it keep you from getting depressed, it also builds strong bones, promotes healing, and boosts your immune system.

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whole food ingredients in measuring cups on a wooden table

Change Your Diet By First Changing Your Behavior

Coach Caroline, 10/13/2015

I frequently reiterate to my clients that I don’t care what they eat. I have to remind them that sticking with habits that will allow them to make healthy food choices for the rest of their life is what is important.

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Recipeasy: Zesty Chicken with Steamed Kale

Recipeasy: Zesty Chicken with Steamed Kale

Kayla Sheely , 10/08/2015

To help those of you who are new to plant-based diets or are just starting out, we have a weekly segment called RecipEASY where we'll give you modifications and tips for our recipes. This week we made Zesty Chicken with Steamed Kale!

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Plant Strong for a Strong You

Plant Strong for a Strong You

Rommy Driks, 10/08/2015

With plant strong eating, every bite benefits your body. Plant-based diets keep your body well supplied with an army of nutrients that can slow down or even reverse the onslaught of chronic illness.

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