Food For Thought

The Official Healthy Food Now Blog

an orange and measuring tape on a journal for weight loss

Willpower Exercises

Coach Caroline, 09/28/2015

Willpower is very much like a muscle—it can be strengthened over time, and it can be depleted pretty quickly when challenged. By strengthening your willpower around your eating habits, you will be more likely to succeed in the long run.

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But First, Salad

But First, Salad

Kayla Sheely, 09/23/2015

Leafy greens should be a staple in your diet -- so much so that we recommend making salad the main dish! Whether you are trying to lose weight, reverse chronic disease, or just optimize your health, a salad a day can help you achieve your goals.

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Woman with a thumbs up holding out a salad

Don’t Wait Until You “Feel Like It” to Take Action

Coach Caroline, 09/22/2015

Life in our why-do-today-what-you-can-put-off-until-tomorrow culture can be fun in the moment but does little to further our long-term goals. So where does this leave us in relation to a healthy diet?

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How to Include More Fruits and Vegetables in Your Diet

How to Include More Fruits and Vegetables in Your Diet

Kate Glover, 09/21/2015

From a young age many of us have turned up our noses to the foods that are most beneficial for our bodies. But we need the essential nutrients fruits and vegetables provide. Here are some ways to increase your daily fruit and vegetable intake:

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How Sleep Affects Your Appetite

How Sleep Affects Your Appetite

Kate Glover, 09/16/2015

Sleep is a key element of optimal health that is often overlooked. Because sleep is crucial to our health, it’s important to make sure we get enough of it. Here are some tips!

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Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget

14 Tips for Eating Healthy on a Budget

Kayla Sheely, 09/14/2015

A common complaint about eating healthy is that it is just too expensive. And while it is true that you can rack up quite a bill buying high quality, healthy ingredients, you don’t have to break the bank.

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The What the Hell Effect

The What the Hell Effect

Coach Caroline, 09/10/2015

It seems that your hungry brain is very creative and will come up with numerous rationales in an attempt to get you to feed it. One of the most common ones is, "what the hell".

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A very clean, organized kitchen

How Tidiness Can Motivate a Healthy Diet

Coach Caroline, 08/31/2015

Surrounding yourself with clutter can play a role in unhealthy eating. Disorder leads to disharmony, which leads to discomfort. However, organization in other aspects of your life can motivate a healthy diet.

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How Antioxidants Aid in Workout Recovery

How Antioxidants Aid in Workout Recovery

Kate Glover, 08/12/2015

With all of the benefits of exercise, it can be hard to believe physical activity can harm your body—that’s where oxidative stress comes in. To increase our body’s defenses, we need to eat a balanced diet with plenty of natural, antioxidant-rich foods.

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Empty diet plan next to measuring tape, salad, and an apple

How Discomfort Can Motivate a Healthy Diet

Coach Caroline, 08/10/2015

Sometimes, discomfort can be helpful because it motivates us to change. No matter your reason, it's probably unhappiness, discomfort, or fear of the status quo that's stimulating your commitment to change your diet.

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