Food For Thought

The Official Healthy Food Now Blog

close up of a woman cutting mushrooms

Reducing Your Risk of Breast Cancer Through Plant-Based Foods

Coach Melanie, 06/16/2015

Breast cancer is a complex disease with many contributing factors. But even those with a genetic predisposition to breast cancer can reduce their risk of developing it through wise dietary decisions.

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Taste Pleasure: Learning to Love Vegetables

Coach Caroline, 06/15/2015

You have the choice to decide whether you want to enjoy the taste of healthy, nourishing food or the taste of disease inducing meals. Taste is learned— your food preferences are conditioned by what you eat regularly.

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Man revealing a healthy logo under his work shirt

The Rise of the Superfoodie

Coach John, 06/11/2015

What exactly is a Superfoodie, and are you one? To answer that, it helps to know both the origin of the word “foodie” and what superfoods are all about.

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healthy ice cream made from frozen bananas

Indulge Your Sweet Tooth with Iced Fru-Cream!

Coach Melanie, 06/09/2015

Dairy consumption contributes to a variety of health woes, but you don't have to forego ice cream altogether. You can make delicious ice cream with frozen fruit!

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How to Stick to a High-Nutrient Diet One Grape at a Time

Coach Caroline, 06/08/2015

It can be difficult to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle, but we can create healthy habits by making small goals for ourselves and committing to them every day.

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Skip the Energy Drink and Try One of These 6 Healthy Alternatives

Kayla Sheely, 06/03/2015

While energy drinks may seem like a quick fix for when your energy levels are low, try one of these healthier alternatives instead.

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A homemade salad with mango dressing

Mango Passion

Coach Melanie, 05/27/2015

Pairing mangos with greens makes an excellent summertime lunch when it’s scorching hot outside. Try this delicious summer recipe!

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Fruits and vegetables are vital for healthy eating

8 Ways to Start Eating Healthier Today

Kayla Sheely, 05/20/2015

Do you want to start eating healthier but are not sure where to start? Here are 8 ways to help get you started!

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A salt shaker and a slice of lemon against a white background

Can a Little Bit of Salt Be All That Bad?

Coach Ida, 05/13/2015

Sodium is necessary for health and life, but all the sodium our body needs can be found in whole plant foods without adding a single grain of salt. Here are some ways we can be healthier while still enjoying our food.

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The Truth About Olive Oil

Kate Glover, 05/06/2015

While foods rich in monounsaturated fats may be better for you than foods consisting of saturated and trans fats, that doesn’t mean they’re healthy for you. Here's the truth about Olive Oil.

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